Tag Archives: shoe recycling

Upgrading Your Shoes for That Fashionista Night Out

Upgrading Your Shoes for That Fashionista Night Out

Hello Fellow Fashionistas,

Getting ready for that night out with your friends? I see that black dress is all ready to go. You’ve also gotten the purse, clutch-style, I see!. Girl, you are so read…Ooo Oh not the same pair of shoes again!

It happens. Sometimes you just find yourself stuck with that one pair of shoes that seems to match most of your outfit, and you have to wear it again and again. But no worry, this Shoe Fashionista is here to help you make the best of your shoes adventure.

I’ll be showing you the many ways to wear your shoes. I call it Shoe-cycling. In today’s economy that might just be the way to go. So stay tuned, because this shoe fashionista has a lot to share with you.

It’s all about how to go from this:

to this,



or this

Stay tuned.  There’s more from the shoefashionista.


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